Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A few new collaborative sites & tools

Here are a few interesting things I picked up over the last few days from the Mashable blog (blog on social networking, and one of my personal daily "must read" blogs).

Here's a blog post from Mashable on how companies (HP is described here) are using wikis to gather data for market research.

Following in the spirit of our class (all our applications are free), the Mashable blog has a post listing LOTS of no-cost graphic software and a post on a new-ish (free) web-based photo editor.

I also recently read one of their posts on Ask500people. It's a mashup site where users can submit questions and poll the subscribers. Although not really useful (to me, anyway), I did spend a few minutes looking through the old/live questions. (FYI: most people voting believe the egg came before the chicken.) It took me a few minutes to figure out the layout: the questions in the center of the screen are questions that are queued up to be voted on, they don't contain any data yet.

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