Monday, September 24, 2007

Social Networking + Language Learning=Effective Practice?

You have read in your text about social networking with sites like myspace and facebook. Since we have at least one ESL teacher in the class and several multi-lingual students, I thought you might be interested in this post about LiveMocha. It's a site that's using the power of collaborative technologies to help people learn a foreign language.

Here's what I like about thinking of LiveMocha. It reminds me that although in our class we need to learn these technologies, and practice using them; then, in our blogs and in our discussions, we need to continue past "how to use it" and continue on to "how can I use it effective for development and performance improvement?" To consider how we can capitalize on the potential presented by these emerging technologies to more easily/more effectively/more efficiently develop the people with whom we work.

As always, I'll be interested in your thoughts.

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